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I'm Back!!

Wow guys, it's been forever since I've updated this blog!!! A lot has happened so I hope I can summarize everything!

First up, I've finished my degree!! Yay! I finished my Bachelors in Game Development last year from SAE Qantm. I was extremely happy with my time at SAE and immensely enjoyed it (even the stressful major development). I met a lot of friends and learnt a tonne of crucial knowledge to get me ready for employment!

At the end of my degree it was required that I complete an internship. I completed mine at Fremantle Maritime Simulation Centre (FMSC) and later worked there for just over two years!! I learnt a lot about network coding, TCP/IP, comports and other rather difficult stuff and enjoyed working with clients to create programs to integrate with existing frameworks. When working on such huge and multilevel projects, I learnt the hard way on how code organisation and commenting matters even if you're the only one programming!!! **Especially** because you're the only one programming. Sadly though, my time there came to an end in February 2020.

There's a lot a want to say but don't know quite how to summarize these past few years.

For an update on now:

So it's April 2020 and I have essentially changed career paths!! I'm half-way through semester one of a three-year law degree! I'm hoping to specialize in corporate law/contract/IP Regulation but haven't really decided everything yet.

I'm still working on games and programming! I developed a version of Entventory - A Plant Inventory App (which admittedly has some bugs right now but it's being worked on!). I'm also actually working on the dystopian FPS suspense game! I'll post an update on that soon!! It looks like I might be using Unreal Engine for that game, instead of my preference for Unity.

So stay tuned and ask me anything!!

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